
The Soul of Botswana - a film by Roland Steffen

The Soul of Botswana - a film by Roland Steffen

“You will never be able to leave Africa. It will always remain in your heart.”

This film documents the experience of a mobile safari in the Okavango Delta, Botswana in 2022.

All video and photo footage on land and in helicopters were taken between the end of May and the beginning of June 2022 in Botswana in the area of Chobe River, Savuti, Khwai Consession, Moremi Game Reserve and the Makgadikgadi Salt Pan by Roland Steffen.

Moremi Game Reserve - part four of our mobile safari in Botswana

Moremi Game Reserve - part four of our mobile safari in Botswana

We spent the last three days of our Mobile Safari in the Okavango Delta at the Moremi Game Reserve. This is probably the most famous part of the Okavango Delta - and rightly so! Moremi Game Reserve is all about the big animals. Perfectly adapted to life on the water, antelope graze next to watchful buffalo on riverine meadows framed by mighty trees reaching into the sky, from whose branches leopard tails and paws dangle with relish.

Khwai Concession - part three of our mobile safari in Botswana

Khwai Concession - part three of our mobile safari in Botswana

After three eventful days in Savuti, we drove further south to the Khwai Concession Game Reserve, where we spent another three days in a fantastic landscape on land and waterways. The Khwai Concession is a region in the north-eastern Okavango Delta boasting an impressive fauna. It is a superb alternative to the Moremi Game Reserve, which can be visited all year around.

Savuti Game Reserve - part two of our mobile safari in Botswana

Savuti Game Reserve - part two of our mobile safari in Botswana

Our journey in Botswana started end of may 2022 at the Chobe River and led us south via Savuti, Khwai River to the famous Moremi Game Reserve, far down in the Okavango Delta. I already wrote about the first part at the Chobe River in the last blog entry. Here we are talking about a completely different landscape - the Savuti Game Reserve. We spent a total of three days at our Mobile Safari Camp in Savuti. Here are a few photographic impressions of the landscape and wildlife in Savuti.

Chobe River - The beginning of a wonderful journey

Chobe River - The beginning of a wonderful journey

Our journey in Botswana began at the end of May 2022 in Kasane, more precisely at this legendary Chobe River. Botswana, like many other countries, still suffers from the pandemic or the lack of guests. For us, this was of course positive, because Kasane is otherwise overrun by tourists, as the Vic Falls are also a stone's throw away.

Ostern - Wir sind dann mal weg!

Ostern - Wir sind dann mal weg!

Ja, ich weiss, jetzt denkst du sicher “noch einer der an Ostern im Stau stand…!” Tatsächlich sind wir mit unserem WoMo vom Prättigau an den Bodensee und von dort in mein Heimatdorf im Kanton Bern und dann noch ins Elsass gefahren - Family Business in drei Tagen - und wir standen nie im Stau! Man muss einfach nicht in den Süden fahren sondern immer westwärts.

Vals - mehr als nur Zumthor's Therme

Vals - mehr als nur Zumthor's Therme

Peter Zumthor hat mit der Therme ein grandioses architektonisches Meisterwerk geschaffen, das weltweit Beachtung findet. Aber auch die ambitionierten Bergfreunde kommen auf ihre Kosten. Als südlichster Ast des Bündner Oberlandes reicht das Valsertal weit in den vergletscherten Alpenhauptkamm. Die Berge der Länta sowie des hinteren Peil- und Canaltales bieten dem geübten Bergsteiger eine Fülle spannender und erlebnisreicher Hochtouren.

A true Swiss UNESCO World Heritage Landscape

A true Swiss UNESCO World Heritage Landscape

The following pictures were taken yesterday during a train ride with the Bernina Express from Chur through the Engadine to Poschiavo, near the Italian border. An absolut fantastic journey through a winter landscape which has rightly been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Valencia - The film
Documentary, Filmmaking, Video, Travel Roland Steffen Documentary, Filmmaking, Video, Travel Roland Steffen

Valencia - The film

We had already booked a house in Valencia province in 2020 and then the lockdown came. In May 2021 we have now made up for the trip to Spain and flew to Valencia with friends. We spent ten sunny and hot days in Spain at Casa del Mas, a well-known orange and lemon farm close to Canals (which, by the way, a Swiss founded in the 20 years of the last century). The organic oranges are fantastic by the way! Of course, we went to Valencia and admired the huge buildings of Santiago Calatrava.

The Crop Master - a tribute to the Fujifilm GFX50R

The Crop Master - a tribute to the Fujifilm GFX50R

As announced in the last blog entry I have ordered the GFX100S, which will hopefully be delivered at the beginning of March. I've been working with the GFX50R for over two years - now the GFX50R has found a new happy owner. Time for a tribute to the medium format Crop Master.

Rosenberg - New Video on YouTube!
YouTube, Video, Travel, Switzerland, Prättigau, Pany, Sony A7SIII Roland Steffen YouTube, Video, Travel, Switzerland, Prättigau, Pany, Sony A7SIII Roland Steffen

Rosenberg - New Video on YouTube!

Rosenberg ist ein Ortsteil von Pany im Prättigau, Graubünden, Schweiz. Pany ist unser zweiter Wohnsitz. Die wunderbaren Farben des Herbstlaubes, das Gezwitscher der Vögel und im Hintergrund die teils bereits verschneiten Berge des Prättigau mit Blick nach Klosters, Parsenn und dem Silvretta Gebirge.

#prettygau - a sneak preview

#prettygau - a sneak preview

Here is a small snippet from my planned documentary film about the Prättigau Valley and its inhabitants. I have confronted various personalities with the question "What makes the Prättigau valley so special for them". It is planned that the recordings will be completed by the end of this year and the video will be released in winter 2020/2021. Stay tuned.

Portfolio of a Visual Storyteller