
Jann Billeter - Hockey oder Hickory?

Jann Billeter - Hockey oder Hickory?

Seit seiner frühen Jugendzeit ist Eishockey seine Leidenschaft. Weshalb aber Golf und insbesondere sein Hickory Golf Schläger eine besondere Rolle in seiner Freizeit spielt, erzählt mir der TV Host Moderator & Kommentator bei MySports Jann Billeter in meiner neusten „Status: Bündner!“ Doku.

Tokyo - Die stille Megacity

Tokyo - Die stille Megacity

Tokyo mit 14 Millionen Einwohner und ruhig - Ein Widerspruch? Nein - man hört z.B. kein Hupen von Autos - dies ist nicht in der DNA der Japaner! In den japanischen Autos wurden scheinbar Hupen nur für Europäer eingebaut, für die Giovannis und Luigis dieser Welt…;-).

Ladina Bordoli - reimagined!

Ladina Bordoli - reimagined!

The internationally renowned author Ladina Bordoli ("The Mandelli Saga") from Prättigau in Switzerland asked me for a new photo shoot. The pictures will mainly be used for her new website. However, one of the pictures will also be used in the new trilogy Ladina is currently writing. The first book of the trilogy will be published at the end of 2023. Ladina didn't want to tell me more about the content of the trilogy yet - but it will be exciting!

Wintertime in the Sertig Valley

Wintertime in the Sertig Valley

Not only the little church and the magnificent Walser houses attract visitors. The Sertig, near Davos, is considered a region in Switzerland particularly worthy of protection. Dense pine and larch forests stretch up the mountain flanks, in spring the meadows around the village turn into a sea of white crocuses and at the back of the valley a waterfall thunders into the depths.

Leica M11: Hamburg

Leica M11: Hamburg

Before our expedition ship voyage with Hurtigruten Expeditions to the North Cap, we spent another night in Hamburg. Here are a few impressions of the Speicherstadt, the harbour and the Elbphilharmonie, captured with the Leica M11 and the Summicron 35mm f/2.0.

Ostern - Wir sind dann mal weg!

Ostern - Wir sind dann mal weg!

Ja, ich weiss, jetzt denkst du sicher “noch einer der an Ostern im Stau stand…!” Tatsächlich sind wir mit unserem WoMo vom Prättigau an den Bodensee und von dort in mein Heimatdorf im Kanton Bern und dann noch ins Elsass gefahren - Family Business in drei Tagen - und wir standen nie im Stau! Man muss einfach nicht in den Süden fahren sondern immer westwärts.

Leica Summilux-R 50mm f 1.4 with Leica M10-P

Leica Summilux-R 50mm f 1.4 with Leica M10-P

Today I tested a Leica lens from the 80s with my Leica M10-P - The Leica Summilux-R 50mm f 1.4 with a corresponding R to M adapter. Since the lens is not coded and the inexpensive adapter does not allow focusing through the rangefinder, correct focusing is only possible using focus peaking via Live View.

Winter is back!

Winter is back!

Actually, we were already looking forward to spring - but far from it! Winter is not only back in the Swiss mountains, also in the lowlands the white splendor and the cold is back. A few mood pictures from our walk today in Klosters, Graubünden. Pictures taken with my LEICA M-10P and the awesome Voigtländer APO Lanthar 35mm f/2.0 - all manual ;-)

A true Swiss UNESCO World Heritage Landscape

A true Swiss UNESCO World Heritage Landscape

The following pictures were taken yesterday during a train ride with the Bernina Express from Chur through the Engadine to Poschiavo, near the Italian border. An absolut fantastic journey through a winter landscape which has rightly been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Vintage Lenses on Digital Body: Leica Summilux R 50mm f/1.4 on Fujifilm X-Pro 3

Vintage Lenses on Digital Body: Leica Summilux R 50mm f/1.4 on Fujifilm X-Pro 3

One of the best 50mm vintage lenses Leica ever made. Period. The contrast at full aperture is significantly higher than the any 50mm f/1.4 - and i know many of them….The bokeh is creamy and out of this world. The focus is buttery smooth.

Street Photography with Leica SL and Leica Summicron 50mm f2.0

Street Photography with Leica SL and Leica Summicron 50mm f2.0

The Leica SL-Body is ideal for use exclusively with manual Leica M lenses. And it works great, it is without a doubt the best mirrorless camera as a platform for M-glass. There are no compromises, the huge viewfinder makes focusing manual lenses a breeze.
