Winter hike from Klosters to Alp Garfiun
Winter hike from the old Walser village of Monbiel to the quiet Alp Garfiun with its cosy mountain inn - an oasis of peace. Continue through the enchanted winter landscape along the Lanquart river to Klosters Platz.
Dieses Jahr wird ein Filmjahr!
Das neue Jahr hat bereits hektisch angefangen. Auf der einen Seite bin ich mich noch von meiner Erkältung am erholen und auf der anderen Seite bin ich bereits am vorbereiten für die nächsten Filme für meine Serie „Status: BündnerIn“. Am zweitletzten Tag im alten Jahr habe ich ja noch mit Luana Bergamin, Sportwissenschaftlerin & Unternehmerin begonnen zu drehen und weitere Aufnahmen folgen noch Ende Januar auf der Lenzerheide während den Biathlon Europa Meisterschaften. Der finale Film erscheint Ende Februar.
Landwasser Viaduct - built in 1901 - still an architectural masterpiece!
A must for all railway enthusiasts - beauty and boldness combined. With its 65m high piers tapering upwards, the landwasser viaduct is one of the most elegant bridge constructions in Graubünden and the most photographed work of art of the Rhaetian Railway in Switzerland.
Reflections - Lake Partnun
Lake Partnun is a mountain lake in the Partnun area north-northeast of St. Antönien in the municipality of Luzein of the Prättigau-Davos district in the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland. It is located in the Rätikon at an altitude of 1868 m above sea level slightly south of the border with Vorarlberg.
Val Lumnezia - Das Tal des Lichts
Das Val Lumnezia, das sich als grösstes Seitental der Surselva von Ilanz südwärts erstreckt, ist ein sonniges Alpental mit einem grandiosen Panorama und gilt als kleine aber feine kultur- und naturnahe Feriendestination.
A true Swiss UNESCO World Heritage Landscape
The following pictures were taken yesterday during a train ride with the Bernina Express from Chur through the Engadine to Poschiavo, near the Italian border. An absolut fantastic journey through a winter landscape which has rightly been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Season's Greetings from Prättigau
Nature does not need to make an effort to be significant. It is!
In these challenging times, it's important to refocus on the important things in life at the end of the year - spending lots of time with family, friends and pets at home and in nature.
No - it's not a Sony/Columbia crossover promo shoot!
…But it could be! This opinion is not me, but participants of the indie filmmaker Facebook group "Sony FX6" think that...
Neues Video aus der Serie “Mein hübsches Prättigau.” - Monika Flütsch
Mit ihrem offenen Papier-Schnitt hat Monika Flütsch den traditionellen Silhouetten-Schnitt revolutioniert und eine neue Kunstform geprägt, die viele Begeisterung im In- und Ausland ausgelöst hat.
Winter Wunderland Prättigau - Mis #Prettygau. Ein Film von Roland Steffen.
Mein neues Video über das Winter Wunderland Prättigau, Graubünden. Switzerland. Eine beeindruckende, frisch verschneite Winterlandschaft aufgenommen im Winter 2020 in Pany (Traza und Bodähüttä) sowie Grüsch-Danusa. Musik von Edgar Hopp.
Rosenberg - New Video on YouTube!
Rosenberg ist ein Ortsteil von Pany im Prättigau, Graubünden, Schweiz. Pany ist unser zweiter Wohnsitz. Die wunderbaren Farben des Herbstlaubes, das Gezwitscher der Vögel und im Hintergrund die teils bereits verschneiten Berge des Prättigau mit Blick nach Klosters, Parsenn und dem Silvretta Gebirge.
Indian Summer Leaves - New Video on YouTube
This video "Indian summer leaves" is dedicated to the wonderful autumn foliage with its intense colours and was recorded at the end of October 2020 at various locations in Switzerland. Among others in Allschwil, Basel, Zurich (Wehrenbachtobel) and in my Japanese garden in Stäfa.
#prettygau - a sneak preview
Here is a small snippet from my planned documentary film about the Prättigau Valley and its inhabitants. I have confronted various personalities with the question "What makes the Prättigau valley so special for them". It is planned that the recordings will be completed by the end of this year and the video will be released in winter 2020/2021. Stay tuned.
Street Photography with Leica SL and Leica Summicron 50mm f2.0
The Leica SL-Body is ideal for use exclusively with manual Leica M lenses. And it works great, it is without a doubt the best mirrorless camera as a platform for M-glass. There are no compromises, the huge viewfinder makes focusing manual lenses a breeze.
Google Pixel 4 for landscape photography?
I have tested the Google Pixel 4 for a short time. It is known that the camera of the Google Pixel 4 smartphone in conjunction with the software of the camera app is amazingly good.
And in between is the lake
Tonight with the last evening sun, the view was once again directed towards the castle of Rapperswil and its surroundings.
Pany - The Sky Above Us
A short film by Roland Steffen. Pany is my second home and is located in the beautiful Prättigau, Graubünden, Switzerland. This valley is uniquely beautiful, with a view to Klosters and the snow-covered mountains.
The Silvretta mountain range in the evening light
This picture was taken on May 7th, 2020 at 8:40 PM, handheld during a small time window of 2-3 minutes when the Silvretta mountain range appeared for the last time in the pink light of the last evening sun.