
Botswana - one week to go - the gear is ready!

Botswana - one week to go - the gear is ready!

After long weeks of optimization my photo and film equipment for Botswana is finally ready. When flying to Africa the size of the equipment is always a compromise between professional demand and allowed weight. In Botswana the small planes always have a weight limit and I always have too much weight...personally and in the bag ;-)

Warum sind Afrikanische Wildhunde so gefährdet?

Warum sind Afrikanische Wildhunde so gefährdet?

Afrikanische Wildhunde (African Wild Dogs / Africa Painted Dogs - Lycaon pictus) sind vor allem wegen der fortschreitenden Fragmentierung ihres Lebensraums, Konflikten mit menschlichen Aktivitäten und Infektionskrankheiten gefährdet. Der geschätzte Rückgang der Populationsgröße des Afrikanischen Wildhundes ist aufgrund der Neigung der Art zu Populationsschwankungen ungewiss. Sicher ist jedoch, dass der Afrikanische Wildhund nach dem Äthiopischen Wolf das am stärksten gefährdete Raubtier in Afrika ist.

Farewell Luggard, the Lionheart
Documentary, the.wild.bokeh, Wildlife, wildlife trust Roland Steffen Documentary, the.wild.bokeh, Wildlife, wildlife trust Roland Steffen

Farewell Luggard, the Lionheart

My wife and I were in tears yesterday when we received the news from Angela Sheldrick about the death of our sponsored elephant, Luggard. Originally we were going to visit him in Kenya this year, but due to the pandemic we will not go to Kenya, Tanzania and Botswana until next year. Now Luggard has already crossed the Rainbow Bridge - Farewell little Luggard, we won't forget you!

Gone with the wind - The lion king

Gone with the wind - The lion king

I was recently browsing through pictures from my first trip to South Africa in 2009. I came across another handsome lion king. I remember, It was a windy day in a game reserve in the Western Cape. But the boss does not let himself be disturbed, even though his mane is blown away by the wind.
