
The last leaf of the tree - my new Video on YouTube
“I'm the last leaf on the tree - The autumn took the rest - But they won't take me - I'm the last leaf on the tree”
Based on this old song lyrics, which Tom Waits sang years ago, this short film is about my Japanese Garden in Stäfa this fall 2019, when the coloured leaves fall. It shows you again and again how ephemeral everything is and yet how new things can always emerge.

Royal Enfield - The Interceptor
What a classic among the Classic Cafe Racer - the brand new Royal Enfield Interceptor 650.

Rhodes - the largest of the Greek Dodecanese islands
Rhodes, the largest of the Greek Dodecanese islands, is known for its beach towns, ancient ruins and buildings from the time of the occupation by the Knights of the Order of St John during the Crusades.

The other dark side of the moon
The eclipse, 50 years to the day after the launch of Apollo 11, was visible across a large part of Asia, the whole of Africa, the eastern part of South America, and the western part of Australia and of course in Stäfa, Switzerland ;-)

A weekend in Linz with my Leica Q
Linz is a city in Upper Austria that lies on the Danube and is about halfway between Salzburg and Vienna.

Shavasana Sundowner - my new video on YouTube
True to the motto - ZEN - Zuschauen, Entspannen, Nachdenken (Watch - Relax - Think), this short film is about my Japanese Garden in Stäfa on a warm summer evening in June 2019.

The day the water stopped flowing
On the outskirts of Zurich, the largest city in Switzerland, a landscape impressively shows how closely nature and culture are linked.

Namibian sky - my new video on YouTube
The sky over Namibia is simply different and very special. No light pollution at night and bright, clear light during the day. A very special atmosphere and a reason why I always travel back to Namibia. I have tried to capture this in my pictures in this video.

Jaco's final fight - a documentary film
A conservation dream has ended in a brutal attack. On Tuesday, 12 February, 2019, a painted pack of five African wild dogs was callously persecuted.

Only the sky is the limit
In the heat, dust and stunning landscapes of Damaraland, there is a sanctuary – Mowani Mountain Camp.

Cheetah's on the Focus
The cheetah was once one of the most widely distributed land animals.

Namibian's last wild dogs under pressure
African wild dogs can be found in eastern and southern Africa in countries like Tanzania, Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Isolated populations can be found in Zambia, Mozambique and Kenya.

Balloon flight over Namib Desert
The Namib is the oldest desert in the world and extends far beyond the borders of the National Park and includes the whole of western Namibia. The part of the Namib within the Park is about 500 km long and between 100 to 180 km wide. Here the highest dunes worldwide are found, which reach a height of up to 300 metres.

Sunset over petrified dunes
Sunset trip to the Namib Naukluft Park. The silence of the savannah is wonderful. While the sun is setting, the grass on the reddish sandy soil shines golden. In deeper areas you can find thorn bushes and a huge nest of bayas on one of the deep rooting arcadas.

Indochine - my new video on YouTube
I shot this video during our Indochina trip from Vietnam to Laos and Cambodia in November 2017. Technically the video is not very mature, because I shot it with my LEICA Q. Unfortunately it only has Full HD with 60P and is not really suitable for video.

Cambodia - temples galore
Siem Reap is a cheerful city that embraces travelers like old friends. This region was the site of successive capitals of the Khmer Empire from the ninth to the 15th centuries.