
The last greeting of winter?
Roland Steffen Roland Steffen

The last greeting of winter?

Unexpected comeback of winter. View from our house in Pany to Malutt and the other side of the valley - the Fideriser Heuberge.

Wintertime in the Sertig Valley

Wintertime in the Sertig Valley

Not only the little church and the magnificent Walser houses attract visitors. The Sertig, near Davos, is considered a region in Switzerland particularly worthy of protection. Dense pine and larch forests stretch up the mountain flanks, in spring the meadows around the village turn into a sea of white crocuses and at the back of the valley a waterfall thunders into the depths.

Winter Wunderland Prättigau - Mis #Prettygau. Ein Film von Roland Steffen.

Winter Wunderland Prättigau - Mis #Prettygau. Ein Film von Roland Steffen.

Mein neues Video über das Winter Wunderland Prättigau, Graubünden. Switzerland. Eine beeindruckende, frisch verschneite Winterlandschaft aufgenommen im Winter 2020 in Pany (Traza und Bodähüttä) sowie Grüsch-Danusa. Musik von Edgar Hopp.
