
Gedanken zum Ende des Jahres
Winter, Travel, Snow, Norway Roland Steffen Winter, Travel, Snow, Norway Roland Steffen

Gedanken zum Ende des Jahres

Das Jahr 2022 ist schon bald zu Ende und ich möchte mich bei meiner Familie, Freunden und Bekannten ganz herzlich für die gemeinsame Zeit bedanken. Durch meine Dokumentarfilme und Fotoarbeiten konnte ich in diesem Jahr wieder viele neue und interessante Begegnungen mit Menschen machen. Viele Lebensgeschichten haben mich persönlich sehr bewegt - eine Geschichte ganz besonders - die von Renzo Hendry, Hip-Hop Sänger von Liricas Analas und heutiger Winzer.

Norway - Twilight Zone: The movie

Norway - Twilight Zone: The movie

This film is a documentary about our trip with an expedition ship from Hamburg to the arctic North Cape, along the old postal route of Norway. We left Hamburg on December 9 and came back in Hamburg again on December 23, 2022. We travel with the expedition ship "Otto Sverdrup" of Hurtigruten Expeditions. The arctic cold of Norway is a fascinating experience - even for a Swiss ;-)

Norway's Trondheim - more than Bakklandet

Norway's Trondheim - more than Bakklandet

The oldest of Norway’s major cities, traces of Trondheim’s rich heritage can be seen all over the city center. While it was founded at the end of the Viking Age, it’s still associated with the Vikings and was the religious center of northern Europe during the Middle Ages.

Svolvaer - Lofoten

Svolvaer - Lofoten

On the lofoten islands there is no sunlight during several months in winter. During a few hours a day only blue hours with pink colors illuminating the snow-white covered mountains - a paradise for photographers. Best time to capture the optimal light is in December around midday.

Norway - Twilight zone (part 1)

Norway - Twilight zone (part 1)

Here I write in loose sequence and also not in the correct chronological order about our trip with an expedition ship from Hamburg to the arctic North Cape, along the old postal route of Norway.
