Vintage Lenses on Digital Body: Minolta MC Rokkor 58mm f 1.2 on Fujifilm X-Pro 3
Fujifilm X-Pro 3 with Minolta MC Rokkor 58mm f 1.2 (Photo taken with Sony A7C and Sony Zeiss FE 55mm f/1.8)
The Minolta MC Rokkor 58mm f 1.2 lens is mainly known for its beautiful bokeh, the other performance is comparable to other 50s lenses, i.e. at open aperture relatively unsteady bokeh and overexposure, at f/2 it is great for portraits and at f8 it delivers perfect landscape shots. For this you have to accept a rather high weight and a not very low price. Compared to all other Minolta MC and MD standard lenses the Minolta has the advantage of 8 aperture blades, which even when stopped down draw halfway round blur circles. There are 3 versions of this lens, all 3 belong to the MC generation and are optically identical. The MC-X version is the most common and also my version. It was built between 1968 and 1977. I bought it on eBay last September from a German photo dealer for a rather high price, but the lens was in mint condition, almost like new.
I use the K&F Concept MD-FX adapter for the Fuji X-Pro 3, which fits perfectly together with the lens. The following pictures were taken with this combo. Aperture used between f 1.2 and 4.0.