Winter or Summer?

Diese Frage stellen sich aktuell viele in der Schweiz. Vor allem wenn man die schieren Schneemassen um das Haus räumen muss. Die Zufahrt zum Haus, zum Hauseingang, zum Garten - alles zugedeckt in einer Meter hohen Zuckermasse. Dann denkt man wieder an den Sommer - keine kalten Füsse, barfuss im Garten, einen Gin & Tonic in den Händen…alles Schnee von gestern. Jetzt einmal den Winter so richtig reinziehen - YEAH!

Many people in Switzerland are currently asking themselves this question. Especially when you have to clear the sheer masses of snow around your house. The driveway to the house, to the house entrance, to the garden - everything covered in a metre-high mass of sugar. Then you think of summer again - no cold feet, bare feet in the garden, a gin & tonic in your hands...all water under the bridge. Now is really the time to enjoy winter to the fullest! - YEAH!

Now is really the time to enjoy winter to the fullest! - YEAH!
— roland steffen

After the blizzard! Stäfa, Switzerland, January 15, 2021

Powder good! Pany, Switzerland, January 16, 2021

Black & White series - Pany, January 17, 2021


The black sheep - Fujifilm X-S10


The revelation - Fujinon GF110mm f/2.0